Friday, July 21, 2017


by Frank P. Nickel

Lord, I want to qualify
for your “Well done!” when I die,
letting others see that I
LOVE the living Christ!

Let me always prove I’m true,
filled with grace and knowledge, too,
so by what I say and do,
SHOW the living Christ!

Let me shun the praise of man,
keeping low—by grace I can—
walking humbly by Your plan,
PRAISE the living Christ!

Not for earthly gain or ease,
or to sail the seven seas,
but by conquest on my knees,
CROWN the living Christ!

Oh, for pow’r to win the lost,
win them now whate’er the cost,
watching, praying at my post,
SERVE the living Christ!

May I not procrastinate
and in witnessing be late,
but with souls of dreadful fate
SHARE the living Christ!

He’s the lamb, He came to save,
willingly His life He gave,
rose in triumph from the grave,

Published as Poem #17 in Contemporary Psalms
(c) 1975, Radiant Light Enterprises

Picture: #82612402, standard license

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